
Taht El Saytara

The most talked about TV series of Ramadan 2015.
This new series tackles the issues of drug abuse and addiction, the challenges of recovery, the different treatments and the withdrawals and relapses from many different angles, through the stories of very diverse characters with different types of addiction.

Set in contemporary Cairo, the lives of addicts and the effects drug abuse has on their lives, health and relationships are shown, sometimes graphically. Why people become addicts, what they have to face to overcome addiction and the problems encountered when recovering are all featured, as is society’s attitude towards addicts and former drug users.

Nelly Karim plays Mariam, a married woman with a young daughter and a secret past. A former drug addict, she relapses when her husband finds out about her past and shuts her out of his life and their daughter’s. Mariam struggles to kick her addiction but overcomes it by filling her emotional void with love.

The troubled and curious teenager Hania (rising star Jamila Awad) who tries drugs as an adventure, to copy her boyfriend, Ali, ends up running away from home and in serious trouble. (Their love story was much talked about during the broadcast, as well as the extremes they went to in order to score hard drugs when they had run out of money.)

Tarek, played by Mohammed Wafek, is a recovering addict who becomes a therapist to help others recover but ends up relapsing himself.

Their stories are told in a raw and realistic way, without stereotyping. The series sheds some light on the various types of drug addiction and does not shy away from its brutal reality and dangers, including the physical and mental violence it can involve. Various possible ways to recovery are shown, too: rehabilitation programs, support groups, detox centers.

year :


Writer :

Tamer Mohsen

Episodes :


Director :

Mariam Naoum

Producer :

El Adl Group

Music :

Tamer Karawan

Stars :

Nelly Karim, Mohammad Farrag, Dhaffer L’Abidine, Hany Adel, Ahmad Wafiq, Jihan Fadel, Maged El Kedwany