
Ahlam Adeya

“Nadia Anzaha” the main character , who belongs to the the so called “el hanagra” , was a victim of bad circumstances that led her to steal for living. She always wished for a normal life and simple dreams,so she decided to quit stealing . The events follow as the people surrounding her refuses to let her go and move on with her life. she lost her son and went through a long journey of revenge from those people, in which she found out that the real thieves and criminals are those gentlemen in suits and living in huge houses.

year :


Writer :

Muhammad Ashraf

Episodes :


Director :

Magdy Abo Emeera

Stars :

Yosra- Khaled Saleh-Gamal Ismael- Soad Nasr- Muhammad Al Shakankeeri- Safaa Al Tokhi and others